Wednesday, April 4, 2018

What Are These "Brand Ambassadors" You Keep Talking About? Pt. 2

Living in the Midwest, with it's calm rolling hills and flat prairie lands doesn't necessarily scream MOUNTAIN BIKING but that hasn't seemed to stop the steam rolling single track community what-so-ever. With the fresh trail up in Brookings and plans for more miles in Sioux Falls, to the well worn Leaders and Yankton Trail Parks there is no doubt the urge to ride is there. That brings us to our next brand ambassador, Ken Kreger.
Ken has a passion for mountain biking, that is without question. He will be leading a series of Intro to Mountain Biking Classes for all skill levels this year to help spread the joys of riding on dirt as well as ways to be safe, keep our trails maintained, and feeling confident when riding with others.

What do you love about riding?

"I love cycling because of the freedom to explore miles of roads and trail without burning gasoline or spending anything other than time. Even when it is really hot or really cold outside it feels great to go somewhere on a bike. Especially with friends."

Why did you choose Spoke-N-Sport as your bike shop?

"Spoke-n-Sport makes it easy to get connect with other cyclists, find new areas to ride, participate in events, and learn more about the community."

What are you future cycling goals?

"Last year I focused mostly on local mountain bike trails, and that was a lot of fun because you can just grab your bike and go whenever you get the chance. This year will require more of a focused approach because I am planning to do some endurance rides, possibly in Nebraska and North Dakota."
We are looking forward to everything you have to teach us Ken and thank you for your passion and excitement for this growing community.

Melissa McCauley is our next ambassador so check back tomorrow for her story.

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