Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A few thoughts about riding in the fall

Fall riding is the best riding. 

Maybe it's easier to say that because it's fall and we still want to ride our bikes as long as possible. But there's no denying the appeal of cooler temps and the wonderful light of a late afternoon. 

You feel like you're stealing something, as if you've plucked a slice of time from the universe just for the pure joy of it, like the last bit of leftover lemon pie. 

Riding a bike in the fall says you do it because you love it. There's no obligation to it. No expectation of mileage or accomplishment or social media superiority. 

It's just rolling along. The aroma of shifting seasons, the last of the cucumbers and tomatoes. The end of fresh-cut grass and dusty baseball games and lingering twilight. 

You'll need a jacket and gloves and some thicker socks. You'll bring a light, just in case, and probably clear glasses, because there are still some bugs out there. 

Notice the green fading into orange and yellow and brown. 

Listen to the cicadas one more time. 

Fall riding. 

It's the best. 


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