Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Spoke-n-Sport Tuthill: How it all began

One year ago we opened up Spoke-n-Sport Store #3 (store #2 is in Brookings). It has been such a crazy trip. Here's where it started.

About six years ago we started dreaming a bit bigger. If Spoke-n-Sport were to add another location in town, where would we add it and what would it look like? We did the most logical thing, we opened up a map. We had some criteria. It had to be accessible by bike trail. It had to serve the community that it was in. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Tuthill Trail Fest - It's more than a bike race

It's hard to remember what it was like in Sioux Falls before we had miles and miles of single track for off-road biking. 

Well, it's not that hard because it hasn't been that long. Which is amazing when you think about what the Falls Area Single Track group has accomplished since those early days at Leaders Park. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Biking to school, past and future

School starts for pretty much everybody in the Sioux Falls area this month.

Which for us often brings up memories of biking to school. That's certainly true for the Spoke-n-Sport supreme leader Chad, so we had him write about it.


Growing up, both of my parents were teachers.  

They were always going to work just a little too early for me. My dad taught high school physics and my mom taught at a pre-school. If I wanted to be lazy it meant I would have to leave with them an hour early.

No thanks.