Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Dissecting cynics and lovers via the bike

We begin with the premise that there are two kinds of people in this world, the lovers and the cynics. 

Not that a cynic can't be a lover. That's absurd. 

Yet, when it comes to love, cynics are difficult. 

It makes Valentine's Day... difficult. 

It's a no win situation if you're the partner - or hopeful partner - of the love cynic. If you join in the cynicism, eschew the trappings of what is, admittedly and unabashedly, a made-up holiday, you risk the perception of not caring about them as a human being. 

That doesn't end well.

The other side of the VD - wait, can't do that - the Valentine's Day conundrum is wading into the chocolate and stuffed animal muck that is the tradition. 

That's fraught with peril as well. "Oh, you're one of those."

What's an sincere and caring partner to do?

That's right - BIKE GEAR!

Stay with me here. I realize that seems like shameless self promotion for Spoke-n-Sport (and it is). But this is also an amazing idea for a couple reasons. If you're reading this, you're a bike person. And if you've stuck with it this long, you're probably also a partner to another human being of one sort or another. 

In the flow chart that is this conversation, you are now one of two kinds of bike people.

One, your partner is also a bike enthusiast, in which case bike gear is an awesome gift. But let's go one better. This is the opportunity to get that person the sweet piece of clothing or bike accessories they'd never get for themselves because they either don't think they need it (doesn't exist) or think it would be too indulgent (do you even ride, bro?). 

In this case, Light & Motion is a great choice. 

Here's a great one - bibs. As in cycling bib shorts. I tell people all the time, just try bibs and you'll never go back to shorts. No waist band, no binding and let's just say they can be... slimming and leave it there. 

There's nothing better than cool socks, but some people just can't take the leap. They're a perfect little token of your love. The radder the better. 

Which brings us to bike person number two, whose partner is not enthused with the sport. 

That's a real bummer. You can't MAKE them enjoy cycling the way you do. But you can try. You can bribe them. There's no better way to do that than an e-bike. 

It's the perfect compromise. You can ride together and you both get what you want out of it.  

What's a lifetime of happiness worth?

Good luck and happy riding!

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